Monday, November 17, 2008

BT-X Fuel Saver, 环保节油器

BT-X Fuel Saver BT-X 环保节油器

Theory of BT-X Fuel Saver 环保节油器的技术原理

Applied 46.4 nanometer technique to make use of rare natural mineral stone element to extract to nanometer grade (such as SiO2 and Fe2Fe3C15, etc), and then combine with precision biochemistry ceramic to burn at temperature as high as 1,2000C. It has also utilized PHOTOCATALYST synthetic radiation technique to allow the energy to accumulate in stable and durable character

Adopt the heat transmitting reaction and able to release “universal natural energy” for average radiation rate 91.4%, vibration frequency 299,000 times/second (such technical principle is different from far infrared technique).

[奈米能量科技组件]節油器,为世界首创46.4奈米之技术研发成功,其组件原理及技术是利用数十种稀有天然矿物萃取之元素(如:SiO2及Fe2Fe3Cl5等…),并结合精密生化陶瓷(Bio Ceramic)经1,2000C高温烧制而成。

此组件载体又利用光和电的合成放射技术,让能量聚集稳定且持久;并具有热传导反应能释放出4-14微米之「宇宙天然能」,平均放射率为91.4%,振动频率为299,000次/秒。(此技术原理不同于一般的远红外线) 。

Unique function of BT-X Fuel Saver 环保节油器的功能

'BT-X Fuel Saver' excite fuel molecule to become finer so as to enhance the fuel burning rate resulting in such effects in automotive performance :
1.Flexible activation
2.Horsepower reinforced
3.Reduced exhaust pollution
4.Fuel economical

1. 起动灵敏
2. 增强马力
3. 降低废气
4. 节省燃油

Advantage of BT-X Fuel Saver 环保节油器的功能

  • Flexible activation : Reduce fuel pre-heat preparation & effectively improve car activation stuck & vibration situation.
  • Horsepower reinforced : Horsepower and torque increase 8.6 -- 16.8%. Start, acceleration & driving are under control.
  • Reduced exhaust pollution : Extend the life of the catalyst transformer, clean accumulated carbon on the engine, improve the exhaustion for more than 50%.
  • Fuel economical : Reinforce burning fuel activity, upgrade the burning rate, and increase engine efficiency.
    –For average speed 50Km/hr or under loading condition, it may save gasoline around 8.6 - 11.8%.
    –For average speed 100Km/hr. it may save gasoline around 10.9 – 27.6%.
  • Cost effective : Good to use for 5 year.

  • 起动灵敏:减少燃油预热准备,有效改善冷车起动呆滞,抖动状况。
  • 增强马力:马力、扭力增加8.6 ~ 11.8%,起步、加速、驾控凌厉。
  • 降低废气:延长触媒转换器寿命、清除引擎积碳并改善废气排放50%以上。
  • 节省燃油:增强燃油活跃性、燃烧完全,提升引擎效能。
    # 一般行驶或平均时速50公里可有效节省汽油8.6 ~ 11.8% 。
    # 最佳状况或平均时速100公里可有效节省汽油10.9 ~ 27.6%。
  • 开始使用本产品,若车辆未立即呈现節油效果,此现象是产品正在清除汽车引擎积碳。估计行驶1,000公里或汽车起动后排气管出现水气时,节油效果即能明显提升。
  • [奈米能量科技组件]是经1,2000C高温烧制而成,实体坚硬不会溶解,油质不会改变,敬请放心使用。

Usage of BT-X Fuel Saver 产品用法

Direction : Simply place BT-X fuel saver directly into the fuel tank.

Usage of BT-X Fuel Saver:

+For 40-60 liters fuel tank, place 6 pieces STANDARD size of “BT-X Fuel Saver”.
+For 60-100 liters fuel tank, place 4 pieces LARGE size of “BT-X Fuel Saver”.
+For 100-150 liters fuel tank, place 6 pieces LARGE size of “BT-X Fuel Saver”.
+For 150-200 liters fuel tank, place 8 pieces LARGE size of “BT-X Fuel Saver”
+For motorcycle, place 2 pieces STANDARD size of “BT-X Fuel Saver”.

Suitable for different models of gasoline vehicle from saloon car to mini-bus to large coach bus

Product life span: 5 years



+ 油箱容量为40~60公升,置入标准型6颗。

