BT-X Fuel Saver 环保节油器
BioSum Technology Limited
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Q4: Will it clog the fuel hose if the “BT-X Fuel Saver” is immersed in the fuel tank ? 问4:【BT-X环保节油器】泡在油箱里会阻塞油管吗?
Answer : No! Because there is a filter screen at the front end of the fuel absorption pump inside the fuel tank of the car.
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Car Performance versus Road Conditions
1. Why cars consume more fuel ? 1. 車子為何會耗油?
2. What is the effect if cars accumulated carbon ? 2. 汽車積碳對車子的影響?
3. How can “BT-X Fuel Saver” reinforce horsepower, save fuel and protect environment ? 3. BT-X環保節油器為何能增強馬力、節油及環保?
4. Basic concept for car fuel saving test : 4. 車子節油測試基本概念
5. Standard method for car fuel saving test: (the effect is more significant for cars over six years old) 5. 車子節油測試標準方法:【車齡六年以上效果最顯著】
Word of Caution 附註:
Blog Archive
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Q4: Will it clog the fuel hose if the “BT-X Fuel S...
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